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Best 10 Updated Facebook Tricks And Tips

The Facebook settings are very significant and in the eyes of the modest geeks can seem thorny. Between the articles of this blog you find almost all explained in detail, in order to protect your privacy, to maximize security and protect the profile, or to enhanced appreciate how Facebook works and take advantage of it for their own goals.

Facebook is also constantly evolving and some settings are updated often; others are removed and occasionally some are added. The result is that many guides on privacy and security, if not updated with the new settings become old and information is no longer correct. With articles like this I try to do a summary of articles processed so as to create a mini guide on privacy and security.

Who knows all settings on Facebook? What are those most secret (and sometimes even more useful)? Try to read this list of 10 Inspector soon spread.

10 Best Facebook settings (Maybe) don't know

1 Check the information your friends can share about you

Did you know that friends can, unknowingly, share information that affect us through the applications. Can for example find out If we are online or make known such an app our biography, our photos, our friends and any post shared on Facebook.
Found on the blog a guide to prohibit applications of our friends access to our information. simply visit this page and unchecked all the boxes as in the image below.
privacy friends app.
2 Disconnect from Facebook remotely
As a Facebook security offers advanced and unique settings between social networks. One of these allows you to detach your account from remote locations.
So if you forgot to quit Facebook from another computer you can just go to this page, and the section active sessions and approved devices terminate the activities you want.

3 Hide recent activity
On Facebook you can hide post and/or recent news from the diary. To hide a post (for example a tag or a message on a friend's wall) just click on the arrow to the right of the post and choose "hide" from the menu, or click on "remove" to delete it permanently. Generally a good way to figure out what is visible on the diary from visitors is to use the activity log tool.

Among the stories that you can hide there is recent activity, can be found on the left column down through your diary. For every news show you can click on the X and select whether to hide the news from the diary, if hide all tasks of a certain type or by clicking on the pencil in the top right, you can view the list of hidden activity to restore them.

4 Remove the name from the social advertising
Facebook uses your name in social ads to convince your friends to follow the pages that you like. If you don't want to introduce to friends what follow and if you do not want to see your name with a brand or brands visit this page and choose "none" from the drop-down menu.

5 Remove your name from search engines
By default, Facebook allows all search engines from indexing your profile; that way anyone looking for your name on Google (or other site) can find the link to your Facebook profile.
To remove your profile from Google visit this page and uncheck the box that allows the index robot.

6 Edit the privacy of albums
Your albums do photos on Facebook are accessible from here and for each of these (except the photo album and diary of profile pictures in which each photo may have a different privacy policy and with the album cover images always public) you can change the policy by selecting the desired audience.
You can thus restrict the visibility of some content and have control over who can access, click I like and comment on each of the pictures posted.

7 Check the privacy of applications
For each application you add to your diary you can control the visibility and decide whether to grant or revoke specific permissions. You can for example choose to not allow an app to publish news on your journal or you can make this information visible to specific audiences and reduce privacy.
You can prevent unwanted applications and thus protect the account from spam applications.

8 Choose who can comment on your public posts
If you have activated the key follow and publish posts with privacy issues from a "hidden" setting you can choose whether to allow everyone to comment on your posts or just leave the option to click "like" and share.

9 Manage the order of sections on diary
The new diary update (one column) you can reorganize the visible sections, and select visibility and position. To access the settings click on the pencil to the "more information" box on your diary and select "Edit". 
10 check how others see your diary
In the upper right corner click on the padlock icon to access the privacy settings. To the question "who can see my things" click on the link "show how" to view your public diary, just as can be seen by anyone who is not amongst your friends (or friends of friends).
Click above on "Show as a specific person" to understand how each of your friends can see your profile.

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